EUM Partners with Deltascheme

​​​EUM Partners with Deltascheme

Mississauga, July 16, 2018 - The Extranet User Manager team is very excited to join forces with the team at Deltascheme Limited. Deltascheme is a leading provider of services and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365 for content management, collaboration, intranets, extranets, business transformation, process automation, and case management​.

With Deltascheme's extensive experience in delivering SharePoint systems they are often required to provide secure and seamless extranet solutions for their customers, and have decided to adopt Extranet User Manager as their chosen product offering.

The Extranet User Manager team is ​thrilled about establishing this partnership and look forward to continuing to work ​with Deltascheme to successfully implement many more SharePoint based extranet solutions in the future.

​Learn more about Deltascheme on Our Partners page or ​visit their website.

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