Webinar: External Collaboration with Office 365 Project Sites

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Part One 1-1:30 PM

Part Two 1:30-2:30 PM

In last week's Running Effective Projects in Office 365 webinar we discussed how to leverage SharePoint, Yammer, Exchange, and Delve to collaborate effectively in Office 365. During this session we're going to continue that theme into how we can extend that collaboration to users who are external to our organization.

Project collaboration often involves stakeholders outside your organization. Rather than relying on email attachments or other ad-hoc collaboration methods, organizations are increasingly looking for a full solution that provides the security, governance, and user experience they are looking for. The combination of Office 365 and the Extranet User Manager provide that.

Keys to running effective Projects in Office 365

This session we will cover the following:

1:00 - 1:30 pm

  • Quick review of the Projects in Office 365 project sites and processes

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

  • Extending the site creation workflow process to automate the creation of project groups in Extranet User Manager and Office 365
  • Inviting external users into the project site
  • Providing a self-registration and approval workflow for new external project site members
  • Single sign-on for internal users, and secure authentication for external users
  • How to maintain private internal content and project content shared with the external group
  • Single sign-on to other project tools outside of Office 365

Learn More

Catch this webinar in person at the TSPUG meeting on September 16 from 6:00 to 8:30 PM.

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