Webinar: Site Provisioning Automation Part Two

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​​​Site Provisioning Infographic​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

This webinar is the continuation of our February 27 Webinar on an open source Site Provisioning solution we've recently published that provides the foundation to enable power users to simply request sites in SharePoint Online, ensuring an appropriate governance plan is in place to avoid site sprawl. This solution is completely automated and allows IT administrators to be hands off with the site provisioning process. The source is available at GitHub and the full white paper can be downloaded from our Site Provisioning Whitepaper page.

The combination of PowerApps, Flow, and PowerShell makes the actual site provisioning a breeze, however, we always want to take it a step further! In this webinar we will be discussing:

  • Extending the process to include provisioning of external user groups through Extranet User Manager's API and Azure AD, and applying the appropriate permissions to the site
  • To maintain good governance, site owners don't need the ability to manage permissions, they simply manage group membership
  • Utilizing the Group Member web part, the site owner has the ability to Search, Add, Edit, or Remove users from the site through the web part and EUM
  • Web Parts that will enhance the stakeholders experience once they have access to the site
    • A-Z web part simplifies the ability to navigate through a large set of sites the user has access to
    • Breadcrumb control ensures the user knows where they are in the site hierarchy during their entire session

Take site provisioning automation one step further with the Extranet User Manager team! Register for our webinar and learn more about our open source solution.

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