What is the Microsoft 365 Maturity Model?

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What is microsoft 365

The Microsoft 365 Maturity Model is a spectrum created at Extranet User Manager that we use with our clients to determine where you are in your Microsoft 365 journey. It also ensures you're getting value from the entire Microsoft 365 suite.

During this webinar, we will provide a high level overview of the new way of working given the current state globally including use case based scenarios that provide insight into what a 'day in the life' can look like when Microsoft 365 tools are used the way they are intended to be especially when an organizations communications are tailored to their user base.

An important part of this model is specifically surrounding user centric training and adoption. Microsoft has published a Learning Pathway module that provides how to guidance as it relates to Microsoft Teams and Office 365 as a whole. We have since extended this to include other aspects that we see being crucial to clients and we are eager share these with you.

In this webinar, we will review the following:

  • Overview of the Microsoft 365 Maturity Model
  • Microsoft Learning Pathways
    • What comes OOTB from Microsoft Playlists
    • Extranet User Manager extensions and custom content
  • Corporate Communications surrounding Microsoft 365 utilization
    • Concise messaging encouraging consistency
    • Outlining preferred organizational policies

Here are the other topics in the webinar series:

Part 2: Capturing and Evaluating Analytics on your Microsoft 365 Maturity Model Progress

Part 3: Plan for a successful Migration into Microsoft 365

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