Tech Trek 2023: EUM's Global Microsoft 365 Conference Journey


In a whirlwind year that we have decided to coin the "Tech Trek", EUM took the world by storm, hopping from one exciting digital conference to another. From the lush landscapes of New Zealand to the neon lights of Vegas, and even a pit stop in the historic streets of Malta, the EUM team was there, making a splash as a tech trailblazer. And we didn't just show up; we rocked each event with killer insights and thought leadership into Microsoft tools and digital workplace wizardry. This article is your all-access pass to the highlights of EUM's globe-trotting adventures, packed with tech talk, teamwork, and a touch of fun. Get ready to dive into a year where EUM not only shared its smarts, but also soaked up every bit of new tech trends and strategies, all while having a blast!

Digital Workplace Conference NZ

March 1 - 2, 2023

The journey began in Auckland, New Zealand, where EUM showcased its global influence by participating as a gold sponsor in the Digital Workplace Conference, but EUM's involvement went beyond sponsorship; we demonstrated our technical expertise by developing the official conference website using our product suite, a testament to our practical application of our own tools.

The event provided a platform for EUM to display its prowess in integrating technology into effective workplace strategies, highlighting its role as a leader in the digital transformation space. Learn how we accomplished this in our case study "Powering the Digital Workplace Conferences and Communities with Microsoft 365".

DWCNZ Session Room

EUM President, Peter Carson, led sessions on "Teams First IA and Governance" and "Building a Leave Request Process with MS Forms, Power Automate, and Power BI." These sessions attracted significant attendance, indicating a strong interest in practical applications of Microsoft tools for digital workplace solutions.

We look forward to returning to the event in February 2024!

Peter in Hobbiton

From left to right: The Extranet User Manager booth at the DWCNZ Expo Hall and Peter visiting the legendary Hobbiton (a North Island must-see).

MVP Summit, Redmond

April 17 - 21, 2023

Peter attended the exclusive MVP Summit at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington. Here, Peter had the opportunity to interact with a global community of Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) and gain firsthand knowledge about the future roadmap of Microsoft 365.

These insights are critical for EUM's strategic alignment with Microsoft's evolving technologies, ensuring that our product development is in sync with upcoming trends and technologies in the digital landscape. The summit provided a unique chance for Peter to ensure EUM's products and solutions remain cutting-edge and highly relevant to its customers' needs in an ever-evolving tech world.

MVP Summit 2023

M365 Las Vegas

May 2 - 4, 2023

EUM and LMS365 at M365 Las Vegas

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas… Just kidding! At this year’s M365 Conference in Las Vegas, EUM took on the role of Silver Sponsor, further engaging with the Microsoft 365 community on a global scale. The conference was a hub for learning about the latest advancements in technology, networking with partners and clients, and building new relationships.

A highlight of the event was the collaborative sessions with LMS365, a key partner. This face-to-face interaction fostered deeper professional connections and aligned visions for product integration. We enjoyed the opportunity to connect with members of the development, customer success, and partner success teams at LMS365.

To see EUM and LMS365 in real-life scenarios, check out our case study on Warrior Centric Health, a joint customer. By using EUM in conjunction with LMS365, Warrior Centric was able to provide specialized training to healthcare providers who work with veterans.

Peter Carson and Dan Holme
EUM Booth M365 2023

We also had the opportunity to conduct interviews with inspiring Microsoft leaders such as Product Leader for Viva Engage, Dan Holme, and Director of Product Marketing for Viva, SharePoint (and more), Chris McNulty.

Last, but not least, the EUM team spent a day exploring Red Rocks National Park! The perfect way to end an exciting and productive week in a city that never sleeps.

Red Rocks

Learn more about our M365 experience in the following in-depth article.

Collision Conference 2023, Toronto

June 26 - 29, 2023

The Collision Conference in Toronto marked a new and exciting venture for EUM, with the team participating in one of the largest tech conferences globally. The event focused on AI and emerging technologies, aligning with EUM's forward-thinking approach in the digital workplace arena.

With tens of thousands of attendees, the conference offered a dynamic environment for gaining insights into cutting-edge technological trends and networking opportunities (the astronomical attendance made some sessions feel like a game of musical chairs, too). The EUM leadership team's experience at the event was encapsulated in an in-depth article detailing key takeaways, useful for anyone considering attending future Collision Conferences.

This participation not only demonstrated EUM's commitment to staying abreast of technological innovations, but also its dedication to sharing these learnings with a wider audience.

Digital Workplace Conference Australia

August 2 - 3, 2023

EUM's adventure continued down under at the Digital Workplace Conference Australia, the sister event to DWC New Zealand. Held in the vibrant city of Melbourne, the team got a splash of Aussie flair while diving into the latest digital workplace trends and technologies in the APAC region.

It was also a great chance to catch up with the Australia-New Zealand LMS365 team, strengthening international ties. Peter, once again, delivered his popular talks on "Teams First Information Architecture and Governance" and "Building a Leave Request Process," drawing in crowds eager for insights. He also delivered the Teams-First session in workshop format.

But it wasn't all work and no play! Post-conference, Peter embarked on an epic Australian road trip. Armed with a rented camper van, he explored the stunning landscapes of Alice Springs, adding a bit of outback adventure to the otherwise tech-focused trip.

Peter and David Clelland
DWC Australia Tutorial

From left to right: Hanging out with LMS365's David Clelland and Peter's Teams First IA and Governance Workshop.

365 EduCon Seattle

August 21 - 25, 2023

Peter’s next stop was 365 EduCon in Seattle, where we showed our love and support for our partners at LMS365. Peter joined the LMS365 booth, buzzing with discussions about the endless possibilities of extending LMS365 to external audiences. It was all about synergy and exploring new horizons for collaborative learning.

Peter and LMS Team EduCon Seattle

Microsoft AI Day, Toronto

September 1, 2023

Much closer to home, EUM wrapped up the summer and headed north to Toronto for Community Days inaugural Microsoft AI Day, proudly taking on the role of Bronze Sponsor. Hosted at the Microsoft Canada HQ, this event was a tech enthusiast's dream, focusing on the latest and greatest in AI in the context of Microsoft 365 technologies.

Peter was in his element, delivering a session titled “Leveraging AI for more Effective Enterprise Search with the Evolving Microsoft Suite”. One aspect of his session was a comprehensive comparison between certain AI tools, such as Bing Chat Enterprise and Azure Open AI, which we discussed in a follow-up article.

The event consisted of 16 unique sessions on AI, a clear sign that AI isn't just a buzzword, but a rapidly evolving field. EUM left the event inspired and excited about more AI-centric gatherings in 2024, ready to ride the wave of AI innovation.

Microsoft AI Day Peter Presentation
Microsoft Canada HQ
Microsoft AI Day Speakers

From left to right: Peter in his session, view from the Microsoft Canada HQ, Microsoft AI Day Speaker group photo!

LMS365 Partner Accelerator, Malta

October 5 - 6, 2023

EUM's journey took an exciting turn in beautiful Valletta, Malta, at the LMS365 Partner Accelerator. Imagine the historical charm of Malta blended with cutting-edge tech discussions – it was the perfect recipe for an unforgettable conference.

EUM had the opportunity to build the conference website on our product platform; User Manager allowed registered partners to easily login and access exclusive content and event details, while Publisher enabled easy content authoring. The website leveraged Microsoft 365 for user authentication, document sharing, and security. Its integrations with LMS365's CRM allowed them to easily track registrants.

We had an inspiring conversation with LMS365 Chief Business Officer, Robin Daniels, where he and Peter (pictured below) discussed the importance of building a community that enhances both internal and external collaborations, with an emphasis on external training and extending LMS365 to an external audience. You can watch the full interview here.

Peter and Robin Daniels

The event was a whirlwind of learning, with LMS365 leaders inspiring attendees with the future of LMS365 and brand promises. The EUM team enjoyed the opportunity to build connections with like-minded pros in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

The team enjoyed some sun and fun by the Mediterranean, sharing laughs and insights with our partners at Essential Computing.

Logan and Essential team
EUM Essential in Malta

Collabdays New England

October 21, 2023

Next, Peter zipped over to Burlington, Massachusetts, for Collabdays New England. This conference, evolving from SharePoint Saturdays, now focuses more broadly on collaboration tech and Microsoft 365.

Peter's session on "Planner & Power BI Portfolio Management" was a hit, offering a user-friendly guide to optimizing task management within Microsoft 365. For a deep dive into this topic, check out the presentation.

This event was a great platform for sharing practical tips on harnessing the power of Microsoft 365 to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

365 EduCon Chicago

October 30 - November 3, 2023

The EUM team's eventful fall continued in Chicago at 365 EduCon, a hub of educational sessions spanning the vast landscape of Microsoft 365.

Peter, in his element, led three sessions covering a diverse range of topics. First up was "Building a Rich People Search with OOTB and Open Source Components," tackling the often overlooked but crucial aspect of effective people search in digital workplaces. For more on this, you can access the webinar recording and presentation on demand.

Peter EduconChicago 2023

His second session dove into the heart of Microsoft Teams, exploring how to build an effective information architecture with Teams at the core. Intrigued? Find out more through this deep-dive article.

Rounding off his trifecta was a session on securing digital workspaces from cyber threats, a topic Peter is deeply passionate about. His insights offered actionable strategies for bolstering Microsoft 365 security. You can view a similar session in a webinar Peter delivered on Microsoft 365 and Azure/Entra Security Fundamentals.

Spending time with our amazing clients and partners is always a highlight of these conferences. We got to spend some time with the LMS365 team at their booth, as well as checking out an awe-inspiring Chicago Blues Bar! Balance is key, right?

EduCon Chicago LMS Booth
Chicago Blues with LMS365

SAAS North 2023, Ottawa

November 15 - 16, 2023

November in Ottawa brought the exciting SAAS North Conference, Canada's largest in-person event for SaaS companies. It's the go-to place for startups and scaleups to mingle, grow, and absorb the latest in the SaaS world.

EUM Leadership SaaS North

The EUM leadership team hit the road for this vibrant event, eager to soak up knowledge on scaling EUM's SaaS offerings. The conference's diverse program covered everything from foundational company building to the latest in AI and disruptive technologies.

From left to right: Denesh Sohan (VP of Engineering), Logan Guest (VP of Sales & Customer Success), Julian Mills (VP of Product & Marketing), and Peter Carson (President).

A standout session by Kyle Poyar focused on a new metrics playbook, offering strategies to propel business growth.

The event also underscored a crucial business philosophy – "be the painkiller, not the vitamin" – emphasizing the need for immediate, effective solutions in a crowded marketplace.

CollabDays Lisbon

November 25, 2023

Next, Peter found himself under the sunny skies of Lisbon, Portugal, for CollabDays Lisbon. As Gold Sponsors, EUM was all about promoting free educational events to unite the Microsoft 365 community.

Peter revisited his session on "Teams First Information Architecture and Governance," sharing his insights with the Lisbon audience. This event was a testament to EUM's commitment to fostering a culture of learning and innovation within the Microsoft ecosystem.

ESPC 2023, Amsterdam

November 27 - 30, 2023

The EUM team was excited to return to the European SharePoint Conference this year as a Silver Sponsor. ESPC continues to be an indispensable gathering for SharePoint, Office 365, and IT professionals, providing an unparalleled platform for learning and connecting with experts across the field. This was a significant event for EUM and (a great finale to 2023 events), marked by several key takeaways.

The conference keynote showcased the latest trends in Microsoft 365 technologies, with a strong focus on AI and Copilot applications within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Notable announcements included the new capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot, updates to Microsoft Teams, and the introduction of SharePoint Brand Center and SharePoint Embedded. These innovations highlight the growing integration of AI in workplace tools and emphasize the importance of adopting these technologies for enhanced collaboration and efficiency.

Our team had a memorable experience at ESPC, especially with our partners from Essential Computing joining us. Their presence at our booth facilitated valuable discussions about the prevalent use cases of Extranet User Manager. Beyond the conference's professional scope, we thoroughly enjoyed the social aspects of our visit, including exploring Amsterdam's vibrant cityscape, bowling with partners, and savouring Dutch beer among other cultural experiences.

EUM Booth
Logan and Ross

For a more detailed account about the insights and developments from ESPC, read the full article.

This event was not just an opportunity for professional growth, but also a chance for team building, enjoying the local culture, and strengthening our partnerships and team spirit.

A Year of Strengthening Partnerships and Global Presence

These events encapsulate EUM's dynamic year, combining professional development with cultural experiences and team building. The blend of learning, networking, and fun at these conferences not only enhanced their expertise but also reinforced their spirit of innovation and partnership. We're looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store for us!

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